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Floor Furnaces

Started by Mel, August 18, 2014, 03:43:25 PM

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I know this is really off topic from motorcycles, so I guess the General Discussion forum is where it goes. We have quite a few older guys on here, and was wondering if any of you had a floor furnace in your home when you were growing up?

I miss my floor furnaces! Every home I've lived in my whole life has had a floor furnace. When we bought our first home here in Reno 3 years ago, it had forced air and no floor furnace :mecry. You more well off home owners and youngsters don't know what you missed :)! When I was a little kid in the winter time my mom used a drying rack near the floor furnace to dry the washed clothes as we didn't own a dryer. Here's a pic of a drying rack for those of you that might not ever have seen one :)! Also, for those of you that did have a floor furnace, you must remember the 'ol waffle foot that usually only happened once before you wised up hahaha!
