Hi, my name is Tom.
I'm new to posting in forums and not the most tech-savvy (my wife helps with that!). But I love to ride, especially on the track. My bike is a 2003 Kawasaki ZX-12R with a top-notch Alien vs. Predator paint job (bought it used that way).
I wanted to join this group because I was looking for gear recommendations, info for local rides and especially joining groups going to track days - I don't have a trailer and enjoy going to tracks more with local friends, which I'm hoping to meet here! :)
I'm a landscape designer by trade, and one of my other hobbies is being a naturalist; if you want to learn more about me, you can check out my Facebook profile or my business website.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tom.schuster.338658 (https://www.facebook.com/tom.schuster.338658)
business website: https://tslandscapeconcepts.com/ (https://tslandscapeconcepts.com/)
Then you're in luck Tom because we could always use more track junkies.
I'm retired from trackdays, but enjoy watching others doing their thing. A ZX-12R's a big bike for most tracks, but also exhilarating as well, I'll bet.
Keep posting up. We're very informal at the SSA and it's gone pretty quiet on here, which is seasonal.
If you're looking for input and opinions, I'm sure you'll get more than a few in that department. :|)
Thank you so much. :)