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Downieville Power

Started by renowingnut, October 26, 2019, 06:28:14 PM

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Rode to Downeville today and wondering if anyone stopped in DV after 2pm today. We were there till about 2pm and the staff at Two Rivers Cafe said that PG&E was going to cut power at 2pm to the area. Rode back through Sierraville and Loyalton and the power will still on at 3pm.  Went by Gold Lake on the way to DV and the road had a lot of gravel and that road is getting pretty rough. Guessing this is towards the end of riding season since today was 75, tomorrow tanks at 45 and maybe 52 by week end...


Looks like PG&E cut power to the Downieville Area and along 49 east bound at about 6:24pm tonight. Geez.